powering wellbeing experiences
How to utilize the Scan-In Module
Open the Challenge app and press the Bonus Actvities selector, (Image #1) on either the Summary or Leaderboard pages. Then tap the Scan-In button (Image #2) and allow the app access to your device's camera.
Scan a QR code:
Align the app viewer with the QR Code displayed in a physical location or on a second device and the code will automatically be detected and confirmed (along with any bonus steps/points).
Manually enter a QR code:
If the Enter code field appears below the app viewer on the Scan-In screen (Image #3) and you have been provided a code, you may enter it manually:
Tap on the Enter code field. Your keyboard should appear
Enter the code
Tap Submit
Click on the video below for an instruction on how to utilize the Scan-In Module to scan a QR code.