powering wellbeing experiences

How do I change my Nick Name, switch Teams or otherwise update my User Profile?
Access the User Profile via the Menu button in the top right corner on the Summary or Leaderboard screens. You can choose to update any of the fields in your profile. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and may be changed, but not left blank. Other fields are optional and may be changed or cleared. Complete your changes by clicking Save.
Nick Name*: Your display name for rankings on the Leaderboard. Always required
Measurement/Distance Unit*: Switch between Imperial (miles, feet, pounds) or Metric (kilometers, meters, kilograms)
Team/Group: If applicable, the team/group that your steps count for on the Team/Group Leaderboard
Country: If applicable, choose your country. The country flag may display alongside your nickname on the Leaderboard
Other Fields: Custom fields as defined for your specific Challenge. May be either required or optional.