powering wellbeing experiences

Walking Challenge

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With the support of AstraZeneca, Heka Health collaborated with the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to create a dynamic Walking Challenge at the ADA’s annual Scientific Sessions event, the world's largest, most prominent meeting on diabetes.
Held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, the ADA’s 75th Anniversary Walking Challenge encouraged diabetes healthcare professionals to “walk the talk”, get engaged, and have some fun. Over the 3-1/2 day Challenge, participants from over 35 countries took nearly 14 million steps with the top participant, Kowalie, accumulating 164,984 steps or roughly 22 miles a day!

Custom Activity Sensors

Custom ADA Apps & Kiosks

Custom ADA Leaderboard
The ADA’s Walking Challenge featured:
Custom, ADA-branded Bluetooth LE activity trackers

Custom ADA-branded app syncing data from the trackers to monitor individual performance along with:
An integrated QR scanner module that enabled participants to “scan-in” at AstraZeneca’s exhibit booth to receive current results and “step boosters”

Kiosk stations to support participants with older cellular devices or unsupported platforms (e.g., Blackberry)
Custom ADA Walking Challenge Web-based Leader Board displayed on large LCDs located at:
The Walking Challenge booth
Through-out the convention center
AstraZeneca’s exhibit booth

Turnkey Program Management and Valued-Added Services
Project management of program launch including coordinating and supporting all 3rd party groups
Design and development of program communications and promotional materials
Hosting, management, and logistics for all aspects of the solution including:
Dedicated on-site staffing to run the Walking Challenge Booth and provide in-person support

Printed Freedom Trail & local hotel walking maps with step counts
Post-challenge summary stats and insights provided participants and the ADA
Certificates of Recognition for top 25 steppers

Sample Participant Quotes:
“This was an excellent idea and well executed throughout the conference. The initial set-up was super easy and the help offered at the booth made the process even easier. I enjoyed keeping track of my steps throughout the conference and was surprised to see how many steps I took in just a few days! It was a great reflection point as well as a great way to interact with the diabetes community in a healthy manner. Posting the standings on TVs across the center was an excellent way of keeping the ball running and served to fuel my competitive spirit!”
“Awesome device would love to use this for patients in my program."
“I really enjoyed the Walking Challenge at the ADA – hope you will do it again next year. The guys at the booth were GREAT – very patient with getting so many of us started within a small timeframe.”
“It was awesome! Boston is a perfect city for the Walking Challenge.”