powering wellbeing experiences

During EduCon 2023, we invite you to participate in the PCMA Wellbeing Challenge brought to you by Destination Cleveland and powered by Heka Health
JUMP TO: Join Bonus Activities Prizes
Final top point attainer (59,280 points) and winner of a Vitamix blender: "Jessica Wicker"
Final #2 point attainer (56,843 points): "ChrisW"

Final #3 point attainer (48,520 points): "Kevie, Go Girl"
Social Connecting for Points!
Scanning-In for Points!

What participants wanted to learn from others at Educon

Final Leaderboard

Participate in a range of wellbeing activities and enjoy some healthy competition with your peers. Earn chances to win prizes for reaching Challenge Goals and working your way up the leaderboard.
The Wellbeing Challenge starts on Monday, June 26 at 12:01 a.m. ET and ends on Tuesday, June 27 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
1) Download the "Heka Well" Challenge app
2) Set up your Challenge account
Launch the Challenge app and select "PCMA EDU23" from the list
Complete the in-app registration process
Pair your step tracker
Anyone with a smartphone* can participate and track their steps:
Apple iPhone: select iPhone
Android Phone: Steps tracked by your Phone or the Google Fit app (if installed)
The Challenge app also tracks step data from Fitbit, Garmin and Apple Watch
3) Start stepping!
To sync your step data to the Challenge app, select "Tap to sync steps" at the top of the Summary screen
Please make sure you are actively logged into the Challenge app and SYNC YOUR STEP DATA FREQUENTLY, AT LEAST ONE TIME PER DAY as some data sources will not provide step data that is over 24 hours old
Note that your steps will only count from the time you first pair your tracker

4) Connect:
Stop by the Wellbeing Challenge Desk (located on Mezzanine level near registration) to get your sign-up gift and a Wellbeing Challenge pin to identify you to fellow Challengers and "Social Connect" with them in the Challenge app to earn bonus points.

Questions? Check out our FAQ or email info@hekahealth.com.
Engage in wellbeing activities and earn bonus points to help you achieve your goals. You will earn bonus points for each completed activity. Once the Challenge has started, tap the Bonus Activities button ** in the Challenge App.
Social Connect - Earn 500 bonus points per connection (up to 25 total connections) by stopping by the Wellbeing Challenge Desk (located on Mezzanine level near registration) to pick up your sign-up gift and Wellbeing Challenge pin to identify you to fellow Challengers. Then connect with other participants using your Challenge app and learn what they are interested in learning from others at this event.

Scan-In - Earn 1,000 bonus points for scanning the QR code at the following activities. To register for any of the ticketed activities below (5K, Namaste, Hospitality Helping Hands), add them on during registration or email educon@executivevents.com to let them know you’d like them added to your registration.
5K Fun Run/Walk (Mon, June 26, 6:30-7:30 a.m.): Get your heart rate up and fund raise for your favorite Foundation all in one. This year’s 5K Run/Walk will take you through scenic Montreal just after sunrise Our starting point will be The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth hotel.
Namaste with PCMA (Tue, June 27, 7:00-8:00 a.m.): You don’t have to go far to release some toxins and find a little inner peace. Join your colleagues for aligning your chakras as a new day begins. This class will be held at the The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth hotel.
Hospitality Helping Hands (Mon, June 26, 3:00-4:30 p.m.): Share the Warmth: PCMA volunteers will work in groups where they will separate, weigh, tie, label and mark each individual bag of food that will be distributed at the food bank to those in dire need.
Donate to the PCMA Foundation Stop by the PCMA Connect booth on level 2 foyer to say hello and donate to the PCMA Foundation.
Heka Health Stop by the Wellbeing Challenge desk (located on Mezzanine level near registration) to learn how to custom-design your own Wellbeing Experience to support and stay connected with your community and drive new sponsorship and fundraising revenue.
Point Level Goal Attainment Prizes: When you hit each the 20K, 30K and 40K cumulative point levels, stop by the Wellbeing Challenge desk (located on Mezzanine level near registration) to pick up your wellbeing prize for that level!
Top of the Leaderboard Prize: Keep and eye on the leaderboard! The top point achiever on the final cumulative leaderboard will win a Vitamix blender. If you can, stop by the Wellbeing Challenge desk on Wed, June 28 between 9:45 - 10:30a to celebrate with us! Prize winner will also be contacted via email and does not need to be present to win.

For more information visit the Wellbeing Challenge desk (located on Mezzanine level near registration) or email us at info@hekahealth.com.
* Supported devices and operating systems
** Bonus Activities:
On the Challenge app's main dashboard, tap the Bonus Activities selector.
Press the Scan-In or Social Connect button and follow the app instruction to receive your bonus steps.
*** For prizes:
You must be registered for PCMA EduCon 2023 event to participate and win prizes in this Challenge.